Dr. Martin points out through patent documents timeline that the Corona virus has been a tool to deliver, without our consent, a "vaccine" sealing our submission to the "new normal" and the New World Order run by the United Nations.
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Dr. Martin tells all from the patents filed to the "real" timeline plus origins of Coronavirus!
Dr. David Martin: Not novel, No pandemic,
No variants...Campaign of Coercion & Terror!
Follow the Money!
2015 Peter Dashitz:
"We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter measures such as a pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profits at the end of the process"
Dr. David Martin Calls For Prosecutions: Fauci Knew Remdesivir Would Kill Thousands
"The famous international trial lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his large worldwide network of lawyers have all the evidence that the pandemic is a crime against humanity. Several law suits have been won already and they are preparing major class action lawsuits against the WHO and governments. Reiner Fuellmich says a second Nuremberg may be needed."
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is absolutely correct, the only way we are going to get out of this situation is through all of us spreading knowledge and information to as many people as possible. However man-made laws and legal systems will not rectify Only through understanding and aligning with Natural Law will Humanity rise above the abject slavery it has co-created. In other words, we must all become truly Moral beings and Freedom will follow.
The Pandemic is a Crime Against Humanity - German Lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich